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Photovoltaic installation for Modellstation SOMOSA

Zurich, 23. October 2021 - Solarville and Sundust complete the installation of a photovoltaic system for Modellstation SOMOSA in Winterthur, Switzerland. The PV array of 63 kWp was planned by Solarville and installed on the roof of the psychiatric hospital. Sundust finances and operates the installation and supplies Modellstation SOMOSA with solar electricity. SOMOSA thus receives electricity from its own roof at a lower price than paid for electricity from the utility. Security of supply is ensured at all times: the building remains connected to the grid and consumes grid power when solar production cannot cover all electricity needed.

In addition to lower electricity costs and no investment requirements, SOMOSA benefits from Sundust's care-free package and know-how. Working closely with the solar installation company, Sundust ensures optimized design and correct installation. All risks during construction and operation are assumed by Sundust. If SOMOSA decides to terminate the contract with Sundust, the photovoltaic installation can be purchased annually at predefined conditions.